TTC Labs - New World, New Digital Possibilities

New World, New Digital Possibilities

Martin Brown Profile

Martin Brown

Visual Design Lead

Since 2017, TTC Labs has held dozens of ‘Design Jam’ workshops around the world, bringing together product makers, privacy advocates, policy experts and members of the public to create design solutions that help people control their data and privacy. It’s been an immense collaborative effort, but 2020 has presented us with new challenges, as well as new ways of engaging people.


Over the past (almost) 4 years, a key element driving the spirit of co-creation at the Design Jams has been their physicality: people with divergent view points coming together to ‘jam’ on solutions together in the same space, at the same time. This physical co-location brings a dynmamic and creative energy to the room, and this in-turn leads to brilliant ideas and designs.

Then, as we all know, COVID-19 changed the world. And, at least for a while, digital experiences will be standing in for physical ones.

Today we’re launching a series of ‘Discovery Exercises’ – interactive digital experiences that help to introduce some of the key concepts we’re exploring. Inspired by the in-person Design Jam ‘warm-up’ exercises, they’re a series of open, inquisitive conversations, placed within a familiar chat interface.

To our delight, the translation from physical to digital has opened up a host of exciting new possibilities – the exercises now have the potential to reach a far wider, more diverse audience, who can converse with us anytime, anywhere. And with that, we look forward to hearing your point of view.

The first exercise, Deconstructing Transparency asks us, how do we approach defining what is ‘meaningful’ communication, when it comes to informing people about their data? For instance, what should be prioritised: comprehensiveness, or simplicity?

There are likely many contrasting viewpoints on questions like these. So we’d love to know yours. Follow Craig Walker on TwitterLinkedin or Instagram, and let's have a chat!

Martin Brown Profile

Martin Brown

Visual Design Lead, Craig Walker

Martin is a Design Lead at Craig Walker, Melbourne. He has worked around the world helping teams to turn the complex into the concrete, bringing strategy to life through insight led-design and iterative prototyping.

TTC Labs is a cross-industry effort to create innovative design solutions that put people in control of their privacy.

Initiated and supported by Meta, and built on collaboration, the movement has grown to include hundreds of organisations, including major global businesses, startups, civic organisations and academic institutions.